Katie’s Journey to Uganda
It Already Hurts May 1, 2017 - Let me just tell you, it already hurts. The thought of leaving this place and these people is slowly breaking my heart. The kids have become my family and this place has become my home. I think you know you really love something when you love the bad parts of it as much as you love the good. I love… ...
Fully Loved March 28, 2017 - This past Sunday, I turned 19 and it was pretty much the best birthday ever! It was my first (and maybe only) birthday in Uganda. This birthday was a huge celebration for me--in my second home, with my second family, surrounded by some of the best friends on earth. The thought that kept coming to me all weekend was that… ...
A Servant’s Heart February 27, 2017 - The mission field is hard. It’s physically and emotionally draining. It will make you cry tears of hurt and scream out for help when you think you just cannot do it any longer. It is also the most rewarding and life changing thing you will ever do in your life. It will make you scream hallelujah and cry because you… ...
Returning to Uganda February 3, 2017 - Photos from my first few days back in Uganda. ...
Mama Cook, a Wedding, and Feeding Hungry Children November 17, 2016 - I especially love Saturdays in Uganda. Saturdays are Kids Club days, and every other week, it is my chance to visit the village and play with the local children. This past Saturday, I had my plan all set for the day. I planned to wake up, make breakfast, go to the village with the other volunteers, do some home visits,… ...
How Boring November 11, 2016 - Recently I have been looking back on my days thinking, “Wow my life is so boring.” I may be living in Africa but life starts feeling bland no matter where you live. Sometimes I need to take a step back and consider what I think is “boring” again. As soon as I take a step back I realize that my… ...
The Mighty River Project Visit October 15, 2016 - My journey to Jinja, Uganda really began over a year ago with a conversation in Janice Sherrill’s home. I was attending a Noonday Collection party, which is an organization who sells beautiful fair trade jewelry and accessories made by artisans around the world. At that party, I was given the opportunity to model a necklace made in Uganda. I started… ...
Safaris and Ugandan Weddings September 23, 2016 - Uganda is pretty much all I dreamed it would be, and more. There are so many things to do here and people are always inviting me to experience new and exciting things. This past Saturday, I was invited to a Ugandan wedding. I didn't have to think twice before saying “yes” to the invitation! The wedding was scheduled to start… ...
Settling In September 15, 2016 - It has been two weeks since I arrived in Uganda, and I am finally starting to settle in. I’m getting used to walking to the produce market and having to bargain everything down from the muzungu (white people) prices. I am getting used to walking to the dairy once a week to pick up fresh milk that is packaged in… ...
Getting to Uganda August 29, 2016 - After a short but wonderful three day stay in Paris, Dad and I finally began the last part of the journey to Uganda. We woke up early Friday morning, said goodbye to the 97 degree Paris weather, and hopped on our plane for the next stop, Nairobi, Kenya. After a nine hour flight, we finally landed. It was a layover… ...